#77: Batman: Under the Hood, Eric Clapton, DC Universe Streaming Service…Oscar Isaac for Batman!?

WELCOME GANG to another big SHOW, the last episode before Dave goes to Hawaii for his holiday and STEW TAKES OVER for 3 weeks!

Don’t worry kids, Dave will be back and is full of ranting this episode to make up for his up coming absence!

There was a big Kevin Smith presentation on the Dc Universe streaming service that is launching on batman Day, Sept 15 which we discuss in detail, Oscar Isaac is linked to The Batman, and there’s speculation Batfleck might be uninsurable for the Batman, if he is used at all.

We take a swing at the appalling standards of journalism at CBR, and there’s an interesting look at recent example of “Insult apology” by Bendis on Superman, while our favourite debate about ninjas makes a comeback!

RIP Gary Friedrich, Marie Severin , and Russ Heath. All legends, go in peace. You changed the world with your work.

Dave is excited about Red Dead Redemption 2, and the guys critique the upcoming Heroes in Crisis event by Tom King. Dave’s dad almost stopped the car when he heard Batman and Superman were headed for therapy!

Get ready for next week when Stew takes CONTROL! Aloha!

Weekly Comics

Catwoman/Tweety and Sylvester Special #1

Harley Quinn/Gossamer #1

Hunt for Wolverine: Dead Ends #1


Batman: Under the Red Hood