#209: Sensational She Hulk, Dave is Down for the Gay Scooby Gang, March Madness, No New Gods Movie

Rich AND Dave ARE BACK AND taking shots! Fresh from his moderator role last week at the Russia-US Peace talks, Dave is incredibly happy and gay for Justice League Queer, Rich is less so, but happy about Invincible, it’s March Madness at Dc, no New Gods movie, no Trench movie, Falcon and Winter Soldier apparently “triggered” Marvel, John Romita Jr returns to Marvel, and MUCH MORE! This is a good one gang!

Weekly Comics

Beta Ray Bill #1

King in Black: Ghost Rider #1

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Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

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Book Club with Connor – Star Trek/Planet of the Apes, Original Klingons, Hell’s Mirror, Deep Star Trek dive!

WELCOME to a BIG EPISODE of Signal of Doom Book Club! Tonight we welcome back Connor, from many other mega hit podcasts, and we talk Star Trek/Planet of the Apes comic crossover, then also we discuss Hell’s Mirror by JM DeMattiess, we go DEEP into both Star Trek and Planet of the Apes, we talk MIRROR UNIVERSE (Dave’s favorite!) and we just celebrate the legacy of two amazing franchises. Sit back, grab a glass of wine, sing some Sinatra, and ENJOY!

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!


#11: Krypto-Cast, Episode One! Fatal Five Origin, the Worlds Best Dog!

Adam the Computer and Dave are BACK in TOWN, BEAMING DIRECT FROM THE 31ST CENTURY! Get ready for KRYPTO-CAST, EPISODE ONE! We got in deep, we FIRE SHOTS, WE SCORE! This is a good one, we cover the origin of The Fatal Five, we talk Krypto, we talk Swifty, WE TALK LIFE! Enjoy gang!

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!


#208: Daredevil by Zdarsky, 3 Tigers in a Cage, Tash is Alive, Invincible, Dr Fate Casting, Dave has a Conspiracy Theory

A HUGE EPISODE this week, as TASH IS ALIVE, and she joins Dave & Rich for a BIG EPISODE featuring Daredevil by Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto! This is a FIERY EPISODE, 3 Tigers in a Cage, as we cover everything from Xbox/Playstation rivalries, comic pricing, Batman Fortnite, placement at Kings, Dr Fate casting, HBO Max, Tracing in Comics, Dave has a Conspiracy Theory, and MUCH MORE!

Weekly Comics

Harley Quinn #1

Alien #1

Ghost Rider #1


Daredevil, by Chip Zdarsky, Volume One

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!


Flashbacks – Mark Waid Flash Book 4, The Flash Family, Couple drama, Dave manages to get Chuck Heston lines in…

Get ready for another episode of FLASHBACKS! Dave and Adam the Computer gp BACK IN THE TIME MACHINE to Book FOUR of Mark’s Waid’s Flash run, which is all about LEGACY, couple-infighting, and Dave doing Chuck Heston quotes and stories…

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!


#207: Zack Snyder’s Justice League, Falcon & Winter Soldier, Creator Rights, Tash is the Lake, Bob Dylan News, Predators are Yaujita?

WELCOME to ANOTHER EPISODE of SIGNAL OF DOOM, this is a BIG ONE! We cover IN DEPTH on Zack Snyder’s Justice League, Tash has crash-landed and is IN THE LAKE without POWER, Dave has BOB DYLAN news, about Infidels outtakes, Ed Brubaker fires a SHOT about creator rights, Predators are apparently Yaujita, Rich is as grumpy as ever about the state of modern society, and remember….NO MAN ESCAPES THE MANHUNTERS! ALL THIS AND MORE!

Weekly Comics

Ghost Rider #49-50

Justice League of America #140-141

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!


#206: Crone, Justice League Hype, Star Wars debuts a ROCK, Rich goes deep on games, Dave loves The Rider, Dave defends Skyrim!

Its a HUGE SHOW this week! Rich and Dave are AT FULL BLAST covering CRONE, we go IN DEEP on Snyder Justice League HYPE and LEAKS, Rich goes REAL DEEP on games, Dave loves the Rider, dreaming of freedom, while Rich puts CURRENT CULTURE on BLAST, while Dave tries to mount a DEFENCE! There’s a LOT going on in this EPIC EDITION of SIGNAL!



Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!


#205: Deathlok is confusing, Dr Seuss in HOT water, Battle Chasers, Did a Comet Finish the Dinosaurs, Comic Retailer Pricing Controversy!

WELCOME to another episode of Signal of Doom! This is a BIG EPISODE as Richard FIRES UP, Dave declares we aren’t far away from the mob mentality with the pitchforks and the town lynching’s, we have a Comic Retailer Pricing Controversy, Dave talks about Green Lantern/Green Arrow, Richard has a HOT TAKE on Neal Adams, Battle Chasers is getting RELAUNCHED, Did a Comet END the Dinosaurs, and MUCH MORE!

Weekly Comics

Crime Syndicate #1

Infinite Frontier #0

Demon Days: X-Men #1

Silver Sable and the Wild Pack#4

Brzrkr #1

Suicide Squad #1


Deathlok: The Complete Collection

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!


#204: The Royals, Blade is PG 13?, Lobo has a Daughter? Muppets are Problematic! Denny O’Neil Chat, & Rich Agrees with Greg Rucka!

This is a HUGE SHOW! Something unprecedented happens this show – Rich actually AGREES with Greg Rucka! This is RARE folks! We talk about the Royals: Masters of War, Blade being APPARENTLY PG13, Dave takes Marvel to task, we talk DEEP on Denny O Neil, Rich is GRUMPY and ABSOLUTELY on fire, Dave discovers Lobo apparently has a DAUGHTER, Muppets are considered Problematic, we DIVE DEEP on Denny O’Neil, and Dave is still amazed to hear Rich actually agree with Greg Rucka!

Weekly Comics

Generations: Forged #1

Stray Dogs #1


The Royals: Masters of War

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!


#203: The Fade Out, Jim Shooter, The Spidey Black Costume, After the Party is Over, The Death Star, “Where’s Sammy?”

This is an AWESOME episode of Signal, as Dave and Rich go deep and DARK into the Fade Out by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, and Dave rhapsodizes about what happens After the Party is Over, and Dean is talking to Frank in the 70’s, after people have gone home, and the sun is rising, over the beautiful wreckage, of what we have become and what we have lost…

As you can sense, Dave was in a MOOD.

Apart from that, Rich actually HOLDS COURT on this one, going over US foreign policy, his dislike of current movies, while Dave has a HUGE PIECE on the creator of the Spidey Black Costume, Dashiel Hammiet gets a mention, this is a HUGE EPISODE in general. One of our favorites. Enjoy. And get healthy Tash!

Weekly Comics

X Men Legends #1

Flash #54

X-Men Origins: Deadpool #1

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!
