#123: Dredd Fest, More Thor, Top Gun 2 trailer, The Rewatchables, Edward Furlong

It’ s SOLO DAVE as Stew is still away on COURT BUSINESS, and its a DREDD FEST in his absence! There’s a heap of trailers coming, Top Gun 2, Jay ans Silent Bob Reboot, It 2, while MEANWHILE a Last Starfighter Sequel is being devleoped!

Dave talks about the return of Edward Furlong to the Terminator franchise, there’s Avengers game news, and Dave dreams about playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance! Also, there’s a substantial amount of COMIC NEWS this week, including Dark Multiverse takes on Knightfall and Death of Superman, plus MORE!

Weekly Comics

Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #1

Batman #75

Sharkey the Bountyhunter #2-4


Judge Dredd: Origins

Judge Dredd: Inferno

#122: Spencer & Locke, Rey, Robin Hood in the Crusades, Crime in the Streets

HELLO GANG! This week it’s the Signal’s GREAT HONOR to WELCOME REY! Rey talks with Dave about Spemcer & Locke, the film Dave wants to see about the Crusades with Robin Hood and Richard the Lionheart, RIP Rip Torn, Warner have a streaming platform upcoming, (because who doesn’t these days?) Rip Mad Magazine, Rey tries to pump the Eternals, the boys discuss vigilante justice, some shots are taken at CB, and there’s news about the upcoming Joker movie! AND MUCH MORE!

Plus don’t forget Dave’s new Segment, Shopping with Dave!

Weekly Comics

Batman Universe #1

Invisible Woman #1

Space Bandits #1

Trade of the Week

Spencer & Locke


Jump Shots: Alien Legion: Dead and Buried, Spider-Man: Far from Home Spoiler Review!

ITS TIME for another JUMP SHOTS episode with Dave where he discusses Alien Legion: Dead and Buried by Chuck Dixon and Larry Stroman, and also dive DEEP on a spoiler review of Spider-Man Far From Home! Think of this as A TASTE before the main course with Rey later this week!


#121: RIP Walking Dead and MAD, Solo Dave, Lois Lane, The Forever War

Its a DAVE SOLO SHOW and there’s SHOUTOUTS to DEON and to REY and to THE MAIN MAN! We are at the graveyard, with the the funky zombies, and its RIP to the Walking Dead! And that’s kinda a SURPRISE!

There’s BORING WItcher reveals, a Sandman episode count, Dave getting sick of corporate talk, some STAR WARS rumors, Marvel ZOmbies are coming, and Dave talks about the Forever War and fighting beyond concepts of good and evil, covered in blood.

And MAD Magazine is over! Boo hoo.

Weekly Comics

Lois Lane #1

DCeased #3

Captain America/Invaders: The Bahamas Triangle #1

Fantastic Four: Prodigal Sun #1

Green Lantern #9

#120: American Vampire, Deon and the Joker, Sandman, Vertigo, Death

FRIEND OF THE SHOW DEON THE DEFIANT arrives with a BLAST the week! Its always an honour to have the great man on the Signal as we GO DEEP into the JOKER, what we want from comics, as well as a TON of news!

Dave is obsessed with the Roman Empire and Vikings, Deon doesn’t like 1602, Jump Shots BLEW UP over the weekend, Stew has a non spoiler review of Spider-Man: Far From Home, and Netflix green-lits a SANDMAN TV SHOW!

Plus Deon and Dave discuss Vertigo, Life Is a Joke, and DEATH!



Joker: Devil’s Advocate

Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1


American Vampire, Vol 1

Jump Shots #1 – Wolverine Phase, RIP Vertigo

SOLO Dave debuts a new segment – JUMP SHOTS! Fast short shots from Davey, blazing his way thru topics in less than half an hour! There’s a lot to catch up on, and see you in a few days for a FULL SHOW!

We hope you ENJOY this BRAND NEW INITIATIVE! Probably nobody has ever done this before! WELCOME TO JUMP SHOTS!

#119: 5AM Lobo, Home Alone Joker, Keanu, Uncanny X-Force!

DAVE is BACK and LIVE from the SWAMP as Stew is AWAY on SECRET AVENGERS BUSINESS! Dave catches Lobo at 5AM, there’s a HOME ALONE RUMOR of the Joker, Keanu Reeves is RUMORED for a Marvel role, Greg RUCKA IS BACK ON Word Balloon with a ton of updates, and Dave covers Uncanny X-Force Vol 1!

We hope you enjoy this show – there’s some SHORT SHOTS coming this way SOON!

Weekly Comics

Superman: Year One #!

Usagi Yojimbo #1

Red Sonja: Birth of a She devil #1

Superman: Leviathan Rising #1

Warlord of Mars Attacks #1

Justice League #26


Uncanny X-Force Vol 1

#118: Dark Phoenix Saga, Wolverine Hoodie, Lobo TV show, More JSA & Legion

Dave AND Stew are BACK! This week we cover the last Fox X-Men movie before it all begins again with Marvel Studios, Dark Phoenix, and we ALSO cover the CLASSC Dark Phoenix Saga COMIC TRADE! Dave brags about his Wolverine Hoodie, and wants to make it very clear he’s a 100% WOLVERINE FAN, there’s LOBO talk, as his new TV show is GREENLIT, and shoutout to Adam the Computer as JSA and LEGION OF SUPERHEROES are announced at DC comics!

Stew of course also breaks down some box office! ALL THIS AND MORE!

Weekly Comics

Batman & the Outsiders #2

Event Leviathan #1

Silver Surfer: Black #1

Jughead the Hunger vs Vampironica #2

Trade of the Week

X-Men Dark Phoenix Saga

#117: Dave cuts a solo album, Original Spidey Clone Saga, Liz Hurley, Savage Avengers

Its a SOLO DAVE EPISODE where he retreats into his Bob Dylan cave with the new live album, discussing the Original Spidey Clone Saga, his thoughts on Liz Hurley, Magic the Gathering, RIP Geoff Darrow, Djngo Unchained Meets Zorro, Harrison Ford on the next Indy…and much more!

Weekly Comics

DCeased #2

Black Cat #1

Star Wars: The Age of Rebellion – Luke Skywalker #1

Doomsday Clock #9 and #10


Spider-Man: The Original Clone Saga