#89: Shazam/Supes: First Thunder

Welcome to a NEW EPISODE of SIGNAL OF DOOM! We cover Shazam/Superman: First Thunder! Its a good one! Also, Dave and Stew cover our (Russian hacked) poll results, the NEW Aquaman trailer, and Once upon a Deadpool!

There’s Star Wars, Obi wan rumours, and Dave and Stew tackle the question of why so many 80’s and 90’s IPs are being RECYCLED, REVIVED and REBOOTED!

Also – please go and check out the sale at Kings Comics for Black Friday and Cyber Monday! ITS THERE FOR THE TAKING!


Weekly Comics

Marvel Knights 20th: #2

American Carnage #1

Cover #3

Trade of the Week

#88: RIP Stan, Marvel vs DC, Stew and Dave debate the Rule of Two, JJ is about to GET PAID

Well folks, the unthinkable has happened , the great man, Stan Lee, passed away this week and Signal of Doom gathers, deep in the Swamp, to discuss the great man and his legacy, Stew has a lot of memories and stories of those early years when Stan and Jack and others created the Marvel Universe! It really is a sad day but he left us so much. Excelsior Stan! Rest easy.

In other news, we are covering Dc vs Marvel, the 90’s cross event that took comics by storm! Also, there is an extended debate about Darth Bane and the Rule of Two – Dave has issues with it!

There’s some more updates for Conan fans, and you will all be relieved to know Disney have recouple the 4 Billion they paid for Lucasfilm! Oh…and JJ is about to get PAID!

All this and MORE. We love you Stan.

Weekly Comics

Uncanny X-Men 1

Electric Warriors 1

House of Whispers #3


Dc vs Marvel

#87: Flashpoint, Walking Dead, Stew explains Game of Thrones, Rogue One Tv show, Poll Round 1 Results

It’s a LEAN MEAN SHOW today folks! Dave has been out drinking and there’s A COST TO SOCIALISING! Regardless, we rap and WE ROLL through Walking Dead movie news, there’s a Rogue One Tv show for the streaming channel, Jeremy Irons is attached to Watchmen at HBO, Shrek is back, Grant Morrison inks a deal for the Invisibles, there’s Breaking Bad movies coming, a Blizzcon Fiasco…AND MORE!

Weekly Comics

The Green Lantern #1

Border Town #1 and #2

Marvel Knights: 20th #1

Trade of the Week


#86: Strontium Dog: The Killing, Joker casts Bruce Wayne, Birds of Prey rated R, The Poll!

Hey gang, Dave and Stew are BACK with another show – a lean, mean 2 hours this time! 2000AD legend, Strontium Dog Johnny Alpha is FRONT AND CENTER stage in the Killing! So Dave is EXCITED.

There’s Birds of Prey chatter, Sly Stallone has picked up the rights for Chuck Dixon’s Levon Cade novel series, the Joker movie has cast Bruce Wayne and Alfred, details of the aborted Boba Fett movie, and Stew has been on the phone to Uncle Bob Iger again and has Avengers casting news!

In Weekly Comics Dave goes IN DEPTH on Heroes in Crisis,  and listener feedback is ENCOURAGED!

Our Poll is up as of today, we will be running  down our Top 7 Favourite Comic Runs. and we ask that you all vote and share this as much as you like!

Weekly Comics

Heroes in Crisis #2

Batman Secret Files #1

Avengers Halloween Special #1

Top Cat/Superman #1

Trade of the Week

Strontium Dog: The Killing

#84: The Sentry, Harley vs Green Lantern: The Great Debate, Call me Ric

WELL, HELLO LISTENERS! TODAY WE BRING YOU THE GREAT DEBATE! Dave and Stew indulge themselves in a huge Green Lantern vs Harley Quinn debate,  (listeners will have the change to vote in the Facebook page on this!), Dick Grayson is calling himself Ric, Flash has been PUSHED, Stew wishes DOOM upon the Dc Cinematic Universe (again), we have some Daredevil hype, Venom box office tracking, and Stew gives his thoughts on Iron Fist being cancelled, Mark Hamill is in Episode 9, and nothing ever ends on the Watchmen Tv show!

Weekly Comics

What if? Ghost Rider #1

Cover #1 & #2

Marvel Zombie #1

Nightwing #51

Trade of the Week

The Sentry, by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee

#83: My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies, Solo Davey, Narnia, Indie GoGoGO

Hey GANG! Stew is away this week so Dave PERFORMS SOLO! Expect rants, asides, musical interludes, SOME NEWS, jokes at Stew’s expense, and sarcastic self loathing!  ALL THIS AND MORE!

There’s lots of news in fact, Venom reports, Dave’s comment on the culture wars & the axing of Chuck Dixon’s Indie GoGo campaign, Narnia memories and analysis from Dave, James Gunn on Suicide Squad 2, a ton of trailers, and MUCH ELSE KIDS!

Dave also reviews the new hardcover, MY HEROES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN JUNKIES, by the all star team of Ed Brubaker and Sean Philips! All this PLUS 90s MEMORIES!

And remember kids, as Kurt Cobain said all those years ago…





Weekly Comics

Murder Falcon #1

Spider-Geddon #1

What if Peter Parker had become the Punisher #1?


My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies

#82: RIP Carlos, Venom, Deadenders by Brubaker & Pleece, The Mandalorian Cometh!

WELCOME to a NEW episode of Signal of Doom! Davey is just back from a big Bucks Night so this summary will be very short as I have to collapse on a couch and watch the game! 🙂 We went to see Venom, we talk about it, we talk about The Mandalorian, we argue about Conan, and we cast shade at Bendis. ALL THIS AND MORE!

Catch you soon next week, cool kids.

Weekly Comics

The Superior Octopus #1

X-men Black: Magento #1

Weekly trade

“Deadenders” 1-8

#81: The Return of Dave, Captain Britain & Mi-13, DC Reddit Info-Wars, Birds of Prey


Following STEW AND THE REIGN OF THE SUPERMEN (& WOMEN), Dave is back from Hawaii, eager to RECLAIM his THRONE!  JAY Z STYLE!

There’s a Lot to cover this week! We talk The Predator, we talk Dave’s “great” DC Reddit Info Dump News, DC Streaming Service, Birds of Prey casting news, Nightwing rumours, and there’s not ONE but TWO CAPTAIN’s CALL made this week!

There’s a ton of speculation about Captain Marvel, plenty of X-Men discussion, and a breakdown of the Dark Phoenix trailer! ALL THIS AND MORE! Get it while its HOT!


Weekly Comics

Heroes in Crisis #1

Justice League Dark #2

Batman Damned #1

Return of Wolverine #1

Weekly Trade

Captain Britain & Mi-13, 1-4

#80 – Stew and Simon sound off for the Signal

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Signal of Doom.

This week Stew and returning co-host Simon Jones tackle the topics of this week, while giving Simon a chance to explain last weeks positive  Predator review!

We also touch on spoilers from the Russo brothers, the walking dead, the joker, and the new captain Marvel trailer among others.

Weekly Comics:

Batman: Damned #1

Return of Wolverine #1