#54: Knightfall, Vol 2: Az Bat! Dave’s Monologue Comeback! George Miller, & is Sam Jackson a Skrull?

WELCOME TRAVELER! Its a BIG SHOW this week as Dave and Stew cover Knightfall, Volume 2! The rule of Az-Bat! Some of the finest talent comics has to offer worked on this huge series of books, including Chuck Dixon, Alan Grant, Doug Moench, and some AWESOME art including Graham Nolan and Brett Blevins! The boys go IN DEEP go on this VOLUME and Dave experiences a searing VISION, live and IN DEEP from Gotham!

Dave has been home all week shut down in isolation and he takes the INTENSITY up to MAXIMUM this week! Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson are both attached to the MIB remake, and Stew makes some controversial comments about Will Smith’s rap skills! Get Jiggy with it, Stew!

Justice League Mortal pics have hit the internet which sends Dave off into an impassioned monologue about George Miller’s career! Did he direct ALL the Mad Max movies? Well, listen and find out cool kids!

Michael Bay is set to ROBOPOCALYSPSE, which sounds cool, till we are reminded by how BORING the Transformers movies got! Dave and Michelle do a KRYPTON REVIEW, and we do a whole piece on the Marvel FRESH START initiative!

Gather round for this one folks, Dave and Stew are DRIVING for the BASKET!

Weekly Comics

Batman #43

Kick-Ass #2

Avengers #686

Trade of the Week

Knightfall Volume 2: KnightQuest

#53: Stew’s Solo Hit, Virus Ridden Old Man Davey, Conan: The Usurper!

It’s a different kind of show this week! With Dave in bad shape due to a bad bout of bronchitis, Stew has stepped up to the plate with an awesome SOLO show with some occasional Dave cameos! We cover Chuck Dixon’s and Steve Lieber’s “Conan the Usurper”, and have two very different takes, while there’s a ton of news to report – including the new Infinity War Trailer! Also, Stew breaks down Jessica Jones at length, there’s consternation as reports come in on mixed reactions to the Deadpool 2 test screenings, The Russo Brothers tease at Hawkeye’s role in Infinity War, Lynda Carter is FINALLY getting a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame,  Danny Boyle is locked to direct the next Bond, Nic Cage WILL voice Superman, Gail Simon is on Plastic Man, and there’s a ton of Spider-Man casting news! Enjoy the dulcet tones of Stew kids. He’s easy on the eyes and heavy on the RESEARCH!

Weekly Comics

Action Comics #999

Avengers #684

Eternity Girl #1

Trade of the Week

Conan the Usurper #1-3



#52: 52, Vol 1! Tom Cruise as Green Lantern?!

Hey gang! Dave & Stew are back with a blast of “52” action! Greg Rucka, Grant Morrison, Mark Waid and Geoff Johns combine for the classic DC year long weekly series which we are covering the first 13 issues of!

Stew is a pro and he has watched all 13 episodes of Jessica Jones! We do a light non spoiler review of the series along with the Luke Cage teaser trailer! Stew was also invited to the Disney shareholders meeting and there’s a slew of news and photos coming out of that in relation to Avengers: Infinity War!

The Tom Cruise Green Lantern rumours provide some lengthy discussion and debate about the state of the DCEU! Stan Lee’s sad condition seems to worsen and there appears to be vultures circling his estate, much to the concern of major comic book identities like Kevin Smith and Neal Adams. We wish Stan all the best, this is terrible.

Kevin Fiege has been talking AVENGERS! Thor has a new hammer! There will be a sequel to Black Panther! Cheetah is CAST for Wonder Woman 2! The boys argue like crazy about a Robin Williams movie.

There’s Rob Liefeld news as he sells his Extreme universe to Netflix and Michael Kelosim has an awesome email about it! Add to all this some great news about the DC Black Label Imprint, Grant Morrison wanted 5 years of Dick Grayson and Damian Batman stories, and Dave has given a couple of day’s extension for the Chuck Dixon questions for the upcoming interview!

Weekly Comics

Batman #42

Oblivion Song #1

Avengers #683

Trade of the Week

52, Volume 1

#51: Alias, Levon’s War, the Competition, Kevin Smith, Corporate Brainwashing & the Wilhelm Scream!

Welcome back GANG! Dave and Stew are BACK covering Alias Vol 1 by Bendis & Gaydos! Chuck Dixon has a new novel out, Levon’s War, and Dave has a NEW COMPETITION for listeners to win kindle copies of the book! Also, Stew has a NEW FAN! Kevin Smith suffered a “massive heart attack” this week and we at the Signal want to send him all our best wishes and a speedy recovery. Geeks owe him a lot. Disney & Marvel studios have revealed 6 new dates for 6 untitled marvel films, and the boys have some GUESSES!

Dave rants about corporate brainwashing when it comes to Shazam/Captain Marvel, there’s a Wreck it Ralph 2 trailer, and Stew has another BOX OFFICE REPORT on the Black Panther numbers!

There’s talk of corporate mergers and Dave longs to BUY IN. Stew brings us all some surprising news about the Wilhelm Scream, and EDUCATES Dave! Chris Hemsworth is in talks for Men in Black, and Kristen Wiig is in talks to play Cheetah in Wonder Woman 2! Plus, will Mark Hamill be in Guardians of the Galaxy 3!

And there’s Fox’s plans to expand the X-Men Universe, a solo Silver Surfer & a solo Doctor Doom on the way supposedly, who knows what will happen, STRANGE DAYS HAVE FOUND US, STRANGE DAYS HAVE TRACKED US DOWN, to quote Jim Morrison, cool kids!

Weekly Comics

Doom Patrol/JLA Special #1

The Silencer #2

The Terrifics #1

Mira: Queen of Atlantis #1

Avengers #682

Peter Parker: Spectacular Spider-Man #1

Thank you for listening to the show, subscribe to Signal of Doom on iTunes, follow Signal of Doom on Facebook, and don’t forget Signal of Doom is now on Youtube! More videos will be coming this week!

#50: Kraven’s Last Hunt, 1st Signal Birthday! Whedon leaves Batgirl, Maggie Leaving Walking Dead?

Hi GANG! HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY TO THE SIGNAL OF DOOM! Dave and Stew celebrate ONE YEAR of bringing News AND JOY to the PEOPLE! This episode, we cover “Kraven’s Last Hunt”, Stew gives us all a Powerpoint Presentation on the Black Panther box office, Joss Whedon leaves the Batgirl movie, supposedly because he doesn’t have a story, there is a very complicated fan theory about T.H.A.N.O.S locations of Infinity Stones, which Dave doesn’t even understand, and Lego is back with the possible spoilers for Infinity War – and Dave brings up Joe Fixit!

As this is a BIRTHDAY show the boys celebrate with some of their recent favourite debates and moments, there’s test screenings of Aquaman, a debate about the SyFy show Krypton, Marvel are renumbering (again), and Rutger Hauer says Blade Runner 2049 has “no humor, no love, no soul”! OUCH!

Plus weekly comics and Kraven’s Last Hunt! Thank you to all our listeners for supporting the Signal, our Year Two will be MORE INTENSE and BLOOD-DRENCHED than Year One! The tale of these two moody vigilantes who beam the Signal has just begun! Plus, Punisher Playbook makes a welcome return!

Weekly Comics

 Batman #41

The Brave and the Bold : Batman and Wonder Woman #1

Hit-Girl #1

Amazing Spider-Man #796

Avengers #681

Dane from Punisher Bodycount Visits! Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher!

It’s a great day for the Signal of Doom as friend of the show, Dane Lamont, from Punisher Bodycount, the internet’s premier Punisher podcast, joins Dave for an in-depth discussion of the 90’s cross over Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: Heats of Darkness, and it’s accompanying sequel “Dark Design”! We go IN-DEPTH on both of the books, written by Howard Mackie, with art by John Romita Jr in “Hearts of Darkness”, and Ron Garney in “Dark Design”. The art is something ELSE!

Also, Dane and Dave go in DEEP on the Punisher and what he is like both as reflection of society and the evolution of the character from the 80’s and 90’s to NOW. We talk about past runs and where the character could be headed in the future. Dave openly speculates who is the editor on Punisher, forgetting this is in the issue itself! Seriously, there’s a lot to enjoy in this episode for fans of the Punisher, Wolverine AND Ghost Rider.

Also, Dane tells some awesome stories about his time working as an extra on the recent Marvel Netflix shows, and some cool insights into how that works along some stories of the one & only Jon Bernthal on set!

I’d encourage all Signal of Doom listeners who dig the Punisher in any form to check out Dane & Jake’s Punisher Bodycount podcast! I think even Stew might get something out of it! There’s an active and very fun community for Pushier Bodycount on Facebook too!

Thank you for listening to the show, subscribe to us on iTunes, follow Signal of Doom on Facebook, and don’t forget Signal of Doom is now on Youtube! More videos will be coming this week!

Peace out, folks!


#49: Deadpool Classic 2, Black Panther Spoiler Discussion, Nothing is Impossible…plus Friar Tuck!

Dave and Stew are back with a SPOILER discussion of the Black Panther movie! Stew is ALL FIRED UP and ready to take it back to BASICS on Black Panther! He’s been taking notes every night after reading Panther’s Rage!

Dave meanwhile is a NEWSHOUND, and this episode he brings talk of an aborted Spny deal for ALL the Marvel properties back in ’98, while casting details have leaked about Season 2 of the Punisher! The Transformers Franchise is possibly going to be rebooted, and when discussing Lobo Stew makes a MAJOR casting call!

There’s more details of the Disney streaming service, some speculation on how close Joaquin Phoenix is to signing up for the Joker 80’s reboot movie, while Dave is VERY EXCITED about the Cobra Kai trailer! Stew not so much LOL

We finally have an answer on Donald Glover and the Deadpool animated series, Doom Patrol is on Titans, Silver and Black has screenwriters, and dave has declared himself available to be ON SET! Don’t forget he’s fan-cast Naomi Watts and Bella Thorne for these roles!

We then have a MAJOR sequence where we talk about Deadpool: Classic 2, the start of Joe Kelly’s classic run!

Weekly Comics

Dark Knights Rising – The Wild Hunt #1

Sideways #1

Shade the Changing Girl/Wonder Woman Special #1

Avengers #680

Kick-Ass #1


#48: Awesome Super Bowl Trailers, Black Panther: Panthers Rage, Dave has the Flu

Hey gang! Dave has the flu but that doesn’t stop Dave & Stew from recording the Signal! Dave is high on flu meds so you will have to forgive him for some of Jim Morrison asides and rapid fire style!

We cover a host of Super bowl trailers, including:

Solo: A Star Wars Story, Avengers Infinity War, Skyscraper, Mission Impossible 6, Jurassic World 2, The Cloverfield Paradox, A Quiet Place, Red Sparrow, Dundee, Westward Season 2

We go IN DEPTH on ALL of the above and then there’s Deadpool 2 to dcisuss, along with a Venom trailer POPPING OFF! A lot going in movie-land when it comes to our favourite superheroes!

Also Bendis is announced on Superman,  Dave goes in depth on this guy who has “mined” the Turtles voices on the Injustice 2 game, there’s a Usagi Yojimbo Tv show, James Mangold bashes Easter Eggs and post-Credit Scenes in movies, AMAZON PLANS A CONAN THE BARBARIAN TV SHOW, which is probably Dave’s favourite piece of news ever, and MUCH MORE!

Weekly Comics

Batman #40

Avengers #679

Q-Ball #1

XMen Red #1

Bane Conquest #9

We are also running suggestions for Episode 50, so feel free to write in, COOL KIDS!

Subscribe to the Signal of Doom Channel on Youtube for bonus video content and Dave’s rants!  https://youtu.be/hWiz0vrkwAY

We are on Facebook and there’s a Signal of Doom Discussion Group there!

Any questions or comments email signalofdoom@gmail.com, we all know Dave reads out just about anything! Have fun kids, see you next week!

Jimi’s Jargon – Episode 4: Geoff John’s GL!

Jimi is BACK on Signal of Doom withs a fresh Jimi’s Jargon! Dave’s money cleared and our heavy States-side hitter is BACK IN TOWN!

Jimi & Dave  break down the first volume of Geoff John’s Green Lantern ongoing, covering issues 1 to 14 of his landmark run, fresh off the heels of Green Lantern: Rebirth!

There’s a lot of TWIST to this tale! A lot of scatter-gun questions! a LOT of history! A lot of Dave whining! A lot of Ferris Aircraft! A lot of HAL at FULL THROTTLE!

Hal Jordan faces new threats from his old foes. The deadly Manhunter androids and the mutated Shark return with shocking violence … yet they are just the precursors to even greater dangers.

A Maddened Black Hand embarks on a murderous rampage just as Hal finds himself the object of an alien race’s insidious plan to harvest humans as living weapons of war. Hal Jordan is back—but being tested in ways he never could have imagined.

That’s from the Amazon summary and you KNOW they KNOW what’s going on! Enjoy Jimi’s Jargon. The hits keep coming and they don’t stop. It’s like THE BEATLES.

Music by Bob Rok

Follow Bruce Waynes World on twitter: @BruceWayneWorld and check their podcast out on iTunes!

Check out Signal of Doom on Facebook & our new Youtube Channel! Hit subscribe and enjoy the bonus content! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqR6umE4tOpSU9UpqvfTnCA


#47: Secret Wars, Yes and No, Marvel Time, RIP Judy

It’s another HUGE week on the Signal as Dave & Stew cover “Marvel: Secret Wars” from the mid 80s! This is a big one and the boys give it 110%! Elon Musk and his $500 flame-throwers get a mention, Dave forecasts dystopian futures, and we cover Cory’s fan casting on Gary Oldman at Marvel!

Valiant has been bought out by DMG,  there’s Captain Marvel set photos, Dave delights in the correct pronunciation, the Ant Man and the Wasp trailer HITS and hits hard, and Stew is our man on the ground in Wakanda! There’s sure a lot of buzz on Black Panther! We can’t wait.

Finally, let me wish Judy, my Fan Club President, RIP from the bottom of my heart. You were an inspiration and the Asanti Series owe you.

Weekly Comics

Avengers #678

The Silencer #1

Dark Nights Metal #5

Follow the Signal of Doom on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqR6umE4tOpSU9UpqvfTnCA?view_as=subscriber

Like us on Facebook too! Signal of Doom!

Any questions or comments email signalofdoom@gmail.com, we all know Dave reads out just about anything! Have fun kids, see you next week!