#328: Frankenstein, Rich and Elvis, Hugh Jackman Net Worth, Superman Encloypedia, Curt Swan’s Wife, Tim Burton Tears, Music Industry, Cyberpunk 2077 & Red Dead Redemption!

It’s Seperate Ways for Rich and Elvis this week!

Weekly Comics

Preadtor vs Wolverine #1

Action Comics #484


Seven Soliders of Victory – Frankenstein

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Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

#327: Superman-Rebirth, Dave the Journalist, Rome & Persia, Turtles was Fun, Fables Goes Public?, Alan Moore Speaks, Starfield Chat, Rich Cuts Loose

In Which Rich cuts Loose…

Flashback Friday

Worlds Finest #217

Actions Comics #500


Superman – Rebirth Vol 1

Please support Signal of Doom on Patreon! Every single dollar helps the show!


Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

#326: Stargirl & The Lost Children, Wizards Ban Tribes, Saints Row is Shut, Dave gets Excited About Daryl Dixon, James Gunn Hated Batman 89, Bronze Age Supes Thoughts

In which Wizards ban tribes…

Please support Signal of Doom on Patreon! Every single dollar helps the show!


Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

#325: Hitman Vol 3 by Ennis & McCrea, The Fragmendium, Ashoka Tano, Game Trailers, Island in the Stars, AI James Dean, Dave’s Ratpack Movie Script

In which Dave acquires The Fragpendium…!

Please support Signal of Doom on Patreon! Every single dollar helps the show!


Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

#324: Conan & The Demons of Khitai, Down in the Groove with Sick Davey, Rebel Moon Looks Confusing, BioWare Sheds Staff, Blue Beetle Bombs, Dave Rants About Assassins Creed

Sick Davey rises from his deathbed to rant about the Assassins Creed trailer.

TRADE OF THE WEEK: Conan and the Demons of Khitai

Please support Signal of Doom on Patreon! Every single dollar helps the show!


Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

#323: Thunderbolts, Alan Grant’s Demon Run, Tom Brevoort Continues to Suck, Snow White Blasts Snow White, Dave Doesn’t Buy the Hype, Batman Goes Off-World, Best Batman Events

Weekly Comics

Superman #198

Flash #163



Please support Signal of Doom on Patreon! Every single dollar helps the show!


Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

#322: Dreadstar by Jim Starlin, Dave is Excited about the Fragpendium, Flash review, William Messner-Loebs Needs Help, Secret Wars, Harvey Dent Chat

Its a REVOLUTION. Help William Messner-Loebs!

Fundraiser by Clifford Meth : Help writer-artist Bill Messner-Loebs (gofundme.com)

Weekly Comics

Max Rebo 1

Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengenance – Alpha #1


Dreadstar Miniseries, by Jim Starlin

Please support Signal of Doom on Patreon! Every single dollar helps the show!


Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

#321: Age of Apocalypse Book 2, The Spider-Hulk Saga, Dark Horse Manga, Joshua Williamson & GI Joe, The Downfall of Funko, Secretly Medicore Invasion

The Apocalypse is UPON US.

Please support Signal of Doom on Patreon! Every single dollar helps the show!


Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

#320: Spider-Hulk, Aaron “Head” Moss, Lazers & Alien Attacks, GI Joe, Marvel Legends, Baroness & Wolverine are Pals, Say Hello to Shush, Dave Finishes a Book, RIP Sinead

RIP Sinead. We love you.

And Dave predicts Alien Attacks. Get set for Signal!

Please support Signal of Doom on Patreon! Every single dollar helps the show!


Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

#319: Age of Apocalypse : Book One, Zombie Action Figure Variants, King Kong and Mario, Jack Kirby, Dave is going to Change his Life, Frogger Daydreams

Get ready to CHANGE your LIFE. Dave is! He’s almost finished a book he started in 1990!

Please support Signal of Doom on Patreon! Every single dollar helps the show!


Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost