Drew’s Views – Captain America – The Bloodstone Hunt!

A BIG Signal WELCOME BACK to DREW GERACI! It’s been too long and Drew, the Marvel Encloypedia, is BACK to talk CAPTAIN AMERICA! Specifically we cover the recent Epic Collecton, Captain America: The Bloodstone Hunt, written by Mark Greenwald, with art by Kieron Dwyer amongst others! This is a  great period for Cap in the late 80’s under Greenwald’s long tenure, and this is a great conversation with Drew with his knowledge and love of Marvel!

Drew Geraci is an accomplished inker and has done much work primarily at DC Comics, on titles like Nightwing and Birds of Prey, amongst many others! drew is also an excellent novelist and two of his books in the Demands series are available on Amazon! I’d highly recommend you check out these cool rock and roll tales about a band that works for the Russian Mob!

The Demands: Book One https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010YE68NO/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

The Demands: Book Two (The B Sides) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LRFQQZO/ref=series_rw_dp_sw

As always its a pleasure to have Drew on the show and we will have him back SOON!