#53: Stew’s Solo Hit, Virus Ridden Old Man Davey, Conan: The Usurper!

It’s a different kind of show this week! With Dave in bad shape due to a bad bout of bronchitis, Stew has stepped up to the plate with an awesome SOLO show with some occasional Dave cameos! We cover Chuck Dixon’s and Steve Lieber’s “Conan the Usurper”, and have two very different takes, while there’s a ton of news to report – including the new Infinity War Trailer! Also, Stew breaks down Jessica Jones at length, there’s consternation as reports come in on mixed reactions to the Deadpool 2 test screenings, The Russo Brothers tease at Hawkeye’s role in Infinity War, Lynda Carter is FINALLY getting a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame,  Danny Boyle is locked to direct the next Bond, Nic Cage WILL voice Superman, Gail Simon is on Plastic Man, and there’s a ton of Spider-Man casting news! Enjoy the dulcet tones of Stew kids. He’s easy on the eyes and heavy on the RESEARCH!

Weekly Comics

Action Comics #999

Avengers #684

Eternity Girl #1

Trade of the Week

Conan the Usurper #1-3



#48: Awesome Super Bowl Trailers, Black Panther: Panthers Rage, Dave has the Flu

Hey gang! Dave has the flu but that doesn’t stop Dave & Stew from recording the Signal! Dave is high on flu meds so you will have to forgive him for some of Jim Morrison asides and rapid fire style!

We cover a host of Super bowl trailers, including:

Solo: A Star Wars Story, Avengers Infinity War, Skyscraper, Mission Impossible 6, Jurassic World 2, The Cloverfield Paradox, A Quiet Place, Red Sparrow, Dundee, Westward Season 2

We go IN DEPTH on ALL of the above and then there’s Deadpool 2 to dcisuss, along with a Venom trailer POPPING OFF! A lot going in movie-land when it comes to our favourite superheroes!

Also Bendis is announced on Superman,  Dave goes in depth on this guy who has “mined” the Turtles voices on the Injustice 2 game, there’s a Usagi Yojimbo Tv show, James Mangold bashes Easter Eggs and post-Credit Scenes in movies, AMAZON PLANS A CONAN THE BARBARIAN TV SHOW, which is probably Dave’s favourite piece of news ever, and MUCH MORE!

Weekly Comics

Batman #40

Avengers #679

Q-Ball #1

XMen Red #1

Bane Conquest #9

We are also running suggestions for Episode 50, so feel free to write in, COOL KIDS!

Subscribe to the Signal of Doom Channel on Youtube for bonus video content and Dave’s rants!  https://youtu.be/hWiz0vrkwAY

We are on Facebook and there’s a Signal of Doom Discussion Group there!

Any questions or comments email signalofdoom@gmail.com, we all know Dave reads out just about anything! Have fun kids, see you next week!

#35: JLA: A Midsummer’s Nightmare, Bendis to DC, Conan vs Tolkien!

Hey gang! Stew and Dave are back, on Week 1 of our JUSTICE LEAGUE SPECIAL! This week we discuss Mark Waid and Fabian Nicieza’s “JLA: A Midsummer’s Nightmare”, a great Justice League comic from 1996!

Also, it’s “imagine if Dave had a soul week”, as he continues his one man war on the Internet, while still battling the remnants of his flu, and the BIG NEWS OF THE WEEK is two-fold! 1) Brian Michael Bendis is leaving Marvel for DC, which leads to Stew and Dave pitching books for him to write at DC, and then in MORE BIG NEWS there’s talk of Disney potentially acquiring the Fox movie library for their upcoming streaming service, along with the IP’s of properties such as X-Men and Fantastic Four!

Elsewhere the boys break into a spirited debate about the merits of Conan, and Dave has to advise Stew on the greatness of Robert E Howard! Then, we discuss the potential news that the Tolkien estate may be looking to close a deal for a Lord of the Rings TV series with Amazon! This leads to some heavily geeky discussion of what this could mean in terms of story potential.

In RED ALERT we have some great Justice League information from our normal Marvel encyclopaedia Drew Geraci, who talks about Justice League of America 200, and also details his experience on JLA and his favourite period!

Sorry but in the last half hour of the show there is some echo affect after something went wrong – it’s definitely listenable but I apologise for the inconvenience!


The discussion

Weekly Comics

Batman: Lost #1

Wonder Woman #34

Despiacable Deadpool #289

Moon Knight #188