#309: Judge Dredd: Helter Skelter by Garth Ennis and Carlos, Conan News, Rich Wants Evil Dredd & Dave Isn’t Coping, Broccolci Head Aliens, Dave Says we are the Weakest Civilization

Its Helter SKELTER this week kids! Dance into the CHAOS! BE ONE WITH JUDGE DREDD.

Weekly Cmics

Star Wars: Mara Jade – The Emperor’s Hand

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#2.5 Judge Dredd: America, Democracy, Does Judge Dredd cross the line?

This one is a special treat for DREDD HEADS, it’s actually a long discussion Dave and Rich had on a recent Signal of Doom (the mothership podcast of the Signal network) episode but it was so deep and filled with commentary, we thought we would share it with DREDD OR DEAD! Adam had to leave the episode early, but he will be back on DREDD OR DEAD next episode and we will get his full comments then!

Enjoy this bonus episode! KEEP IT SAFE ON THE STREETS!

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Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051