Flashbacks #1: Mike Baron/Butch Guice Flash Run!

Hi GANG! Welcome to the first instalment of FLASHBACKS! 

In Flashbacks Dave and Adam the Computer are going to cover large areas of Flash’s post-Crisis comic runs, and first up is Mike Baron and Butch Guice’s fantastic relatively brief but crucial run that came right after Crisis! All these issues are available on comixology and are being reprinted in a trade “Flash: Savage Velocity”  later this year by DC!

Flashbacks will be available as Patreon exclusive for 2 weeks before heading to the main feed!

Join up Signal of Doom Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/SignalofDoom

#87: Flashpoint, Walking Dead, Stew explains Game of Thrones, Rogue One Tv show, Poll Round 1 Results

It’s a LEAN MEAN SHOW today folks! Dave has been out drinking and there’s A COST TO SOCIALISING! Regardless, we rap and WE ROLL through Walking Dead movie news, there’s a Rogue One Tv show for the streaming channel, Jeremy Irons is attached to Watchmen at HBO, Shrek is back, Grant Morrison inks a deal for the Invisibles, there’s Breaking Bad movies coming, a Blizzcon Fiasco…AND MORE!

Weekly Comics

The Green Lantern #1

Border Town #1 and #2

Marvel Knights: 20th #1

Trade of the Week
