#87: Flashpoint, Walking Dead, Stew explains Game of Thrones, Rogue One Tv show, Poll Round 1 Results

It’s a LEAN MEAN SHOW today folks! Dave has been out drinking and there’s A COST TO SOCIALISING! Regardless, we rap and WE ROLL through Walking Dead movie news, there’s a Rogue One Tv show for the streaming channel, Jeremy Irons is attached to Watchmen at HBO, Shrek is back, Grant Morrison inks a deal for the Invisibles, there’s Breaking Bad movies coming, a Blizzcon Fiasco…AND MORE!

Weekly Comics

The Green Lantern #1

Border Town #1 and #2

Marvel Knights: 20th #1

Trade of the Week


#28: Kill or be Killed, Punisher Netflix, Chuck Dixon, Stripper Clothes

Hey gang! The Signal of Doom is back, BLAZING RED into the sky! The boys cover Kill or be Killed, the awesome story of a troubled young man turned vigilante, courtesy of a deal with a demon, by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, and Dave declares it “maybe the great f*cking book he’s read”!  Also Dave tells us his story of his encounter with a salesgirl dressed like a stripper, we speculate on Darth Vader’s possible inclusion in the young Han Solo film, and Dave debuts *The Punisher Playbook!* This is our weekly news section for covering Punisher news and right now the focus is on the Punisher Netflix show which just dropped a full trailer and a teaser! Acclaimed Punisher scribe and good friend of the show, Chuck Dixon, gave an interview to Task and Purpose, where he details his own take on the Punisher series and what Chuck thinks of the scenes in the teaser which shows Frank seemingly up against military forces! The boys discuss Chuck’s comments in some DETAIL and meanwhile, Dave wonders and speculates about the chances of Karen Page and Frank Castle hooking up, or will this just be raw, personal friendship between two isolated people. Who knows! All this and more dear listeners in the first edition of the Punisher Playbook!

Also Michael, Ralph and Jordan all write in and we read put their emails and discuss them in Red Alert! Sit back, grab a coffee or a beer, maybe even an iced tea, and enjoy the Signal of Doom, Episode 28!

*Weekly Comics*

Harley Quinn #28

Batman #31

Batman: The Red Death #1

Wonder Woman/Conan #1