#386: A Complete Unknown, Neil Gaiman Gets More Cancelled, Red Wizards of the Coast, Dnd Deletes Orcs & Edits Lichs, Superman Has a DUI

The One where Dave Gushes over A Complete Unknown!

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Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Chuck Dixon is BACK! The French Baron, The Horseman, GI Joe Beachhead, Ra’s Al Ghul, Conan Chat, Mongols, Dave Remembers A Johnny Cash Song!

Its always a great time when Chuck visits the Signal and this time is NO EXCEPTION! Chuck goes into fascinating detail about his new comic book, The French Baron, which features an immortal French Crusader Knight and it sounds WILD!


Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps the show!


Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

#382: The Long Wait, Gwent The Card Game, Conan in Mortal Kombat, Bloodrik, Dave is Excited Abut Johnny Cash & Bob Dylan

The One where Dave fought like the devil to get the show released!

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps the show!


Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

#361: War of the Gods, We Lost Johnny, Tenacious D get Controversial, Dave Wants to be an Olympian, DC is All In (With a Pair of Two’s?)

The One where Rich makes an outrageous claim about Caesar & Dave wants to be an Olympian!

Please support Signal of Doom & Legion Outpost on Patreon! Every single dollar helps the show!


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Follow us on X: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

#358: The Conjurors by Chuck Dixon & Eduardo Barreto, New G.I Joe Ongoing, Johnny Cash is Back, Furiosa Review, Judas Chat, AI Music & Bob Dylan is Playing Rock & Roll!

This is the One where we go Deep on the Last Supper, as Bob Dylan rocks, and The Man in Black is BACK.

Please support Signal of Doom & Legion Outpost on Patreon! Every single dollar helps the show!

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Follow us on X: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

#355: Superman: Vartox, Rich’s UK Holiday, Chuck’s GI Joe Run, Acolyte, Dave’s Shelf, Furiosa Discussion, Johnny Cash, Gomorrah, Usagi Bet

The One where Rich Comes back and Tells Us what he REALLY thinks! And Daves plans his SHELF!

Join Signal of Doom on Instagram!

Please support Signal of Doom on Patreon! Every single dollar helps the show!

Please like the Facebook Page!


Follow us on X: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

#224: G.I. Joe: IDW Collection, How Not to Introduce a Villain, Wheel of Time, Space Jam Reboot, Drake Bell is Scum, Dave is in a Mood, Dale Keown is Back

WELCOME to a BIG EPISODE of Signal of Doom! Dave is in a mood this week, as he blasts Richard Branson, Bezos and the so-called Space Race, we review Loki and how NOT to introduce a BIG BAD, Drake Bell is scum, Dale Keown is back in the saddle with that great art, Space Jam reboot is witless and empty and stupid, Wheel of Time movies are on the horizon, and don’t forget gang…Drake Bell is sum!

Enjoy the GI Joe discussion – Part 2 next show! YO JOE!

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps the show!


#222: Justice League International, Johnny Cash, Dave Feels Something, Warren Ellis, Alien Birthing Chambers, Lord of the Rings TV!

Its a HUGE EPISODE of Signal of Doom, as Dave and Rich tackle MORE Justice League International! This one goes DEEP! Dave talks Doom Eternal, he ACTUALLY FEELS SOMETHING, Alien Birthing Chambers gets discussed, Dave wants to go DEEPER, Warren Ellis is BACK IN THE NEWS CYCLE and it’s all TROUBLE, we go into Loki, and DAVE IS THIRSTY for Lord of the Rings & Wheel of Time! This is a big episode and we DIG DEEP.

By the way, if you have information on UFO’s, contact Signal!

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!


#221: Blackest Night, Supernova Chaos, Beast Wars, Mary Marvel, Ragged Old Flag, Harrison Ford Injured, Nam Flashbacks

THE BLACKEST NIGHT HAS COME! Its a HUGE EPISODE as we cover the big DC event from Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis, plus THERE’S CHAOS at Supernova, and SIGNAL OF DOOM is ASKING QUESTIONS! Dave takes us back to why we stormed the beaches at Normandy, we salute the flag, Mary Marvel’s new outfit sure is SOMTHING, Harrison Ford is injured on the set of Indy 5, Loki discussion, Tash is BACK, and Rich has NAM Flashbacks from something Pierce Brosnan said! ALL this and MORE on FRESH SIGNAL!

Weekly Comics

Checkmate #1

Heroes Return #1

Infinite Frontier #1


Blackest Night

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!


#220: Fire Power, Starfield Hype, The Simulation is Breaking Down, Batman Can’t Go Down, The Aliens, Dave’s Ghost Story

Well hello again folks, this is A BIG SHOW as Dave and Rich are back talking some FIRE POWER by Kirkman and Samnee, Dave is very excited about Starfield and Elder Scrolls, Batman can’t go down, Batman won’t go down, Dave has Ghost Story #1 about his friendly ghost, Dave talks about past lives, we debate aliens and Assassins Creed, the simulation is breaking down, Weekly Comics hits Rock Bottom, and MUCH MORE!

Weekly Comics

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1

Planet-Sized X-Men #1

Save Yourself #1



Fire Power, Volume One (which Dave got wrong!)