#218: Rock and Roll to the Pit, Justice League International, 1967 comics, Donny Cates is Nobody’s Backing Singer

WELCOME to a BIG EPISODE of Signal! We cover the first half of a big Justice League International softcover collection, Bob Dylan talks about rock & rollin to the Pit, 1967 comic sales are discussed, Dave takes a shot at CB, Rich loses it over Iron Fist, we talk about Donny Cates, who is apparently nobody’s backing singer, Viggo Mortensen’s kid schooled Bryan Singer, and we do a mini Cinema of Doom episode featuring “Hound of Baskervilles”!

Weekly Comics

Flashback: VeNam #1

Crush & Lobo #1

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1

Crime Syndicate #4


Justice league International, Book One

#172: Batman: No Mans Land, The Cult of Personality, Judge Dredd Immersive Game, Ray Fischer, Johnny Cash Vault, Tash is Back!

WELCOME to a NEW episode of SIGNAL OF DOOM! This one is a big one! We cover the dangers of the cult of PERSONALITY, some examples OUT LOUD AND PROUD this week, Dave rants about everything this week, (with a very patient Tash offering her 2 cents) covering Tom King, Mitch Gerads, Ray Fischer, while AT LAST the fake city of Chaz has FALLEN! Also, Tash and Dave cover an exciting new development in music, and Dave has a BRIGHT IDEA which might just be from the article he read about the JOHNNY CASH VAULT!

Plus, we go in depth on Batman: No Mans Land 3! All this and MUCH more. Thank you for your support, we love you all.

Trade of the Week: Batman: No Man Lands 3

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Support the show on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/SignalofDoom

#138: Black Hole Depths, Johnny Cash, Patreon, Another Star Wars Exit, Terminator Dark Fate

Dave and Connor go into the BLACK HOLE DEPTHS, with this Charles Burns indie classic, and Dave somehow finds some DEPTH inside of his soul! Just a little bit. Meanwhile, we tale the new Patreon, & there is another exit of directors from the Disney Star Wars machine, the guys review Terminator Dark Fate, and there’s a lot of excitement about the new Bob Dylan & Johnny Cash album! ALL THIS AND MORE!

Weekly Comics

Tales from the Dark Multiverse: The Death of Superman #1 (One SHot)

The Last God #1

Excalibur #1

Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #1

Contagion #1


Black Hole


#18: Spidey Homecoming, Amazing Spider-Man JMS, Random Weekly Controversy!

Hey gang, tonight its rockin hard in the Swamp and it’s a SPIDEY fest as we celebrate the release of the Sony/Marvel Studios “Spider-Man Homecoming” movie and Dave & Stew discuss Amazing Spider-Man Ultimate Collection 1 by JMS from the early 2000s! Also we tackle some thorny issues of censorship and offensive imagery (pun) in an exhausting rap battle debate between the two hosts that Johnny Cash himself has to INTERVENE INTO,  and we cover some weekly books including Batman 26, Spider-Man: Master Plan and Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again #1.  As always the Swamp burns bright into the night sky as we always remember that solemn vow: WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY. Use it wisely kids!