#390: Void Rivals Vol 1, Kevin Smith’s Career Choices, Punisher One Shot, George Lucas Star Wars Show, Little Girl Magneto

The One where we critique Kevin’s Smith Career Choices & Weed Consumption!

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Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

#249: The Star Wars Rough Draft Screenplay, Boba Fett the Nice Guy, Riddler Looks Horrible, Kevin Smith the Victim, Quantum Leap, Ed Brubaker on Batman Cartoon!

WELCOME to a BIG EPISODE of Signal! We tackle THE STAR WARS, the comic adaptation of George Lucas’s rough draft screenplay, we talk Boba Fett the Nice Guy in Fett-a-Thon, Riddler looks absolutely horrible, Kevin Smith is crying vacant tears over his He-Man show commentaries, Ed Brubaker is on the Batman: Caped Crusader Cartoon, Rich gives us a deep dive on Star Wars and Quantum Leap, and Dave is disappointed to discover what he hoped was an alien birthing chamber is in fact A ROCK!

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Weekly Comics

King Conan #2

Joe Hill’s The Rain #1

Batman Brave and the Bold #199


The Star Wars

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps the show!


Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

#226: Kings Watch, Assassins Creed: Valhalla, Dave gets Excited about Minor Factions in Dune, Snake Eyes, Kevin Smith

GET READY FOR THE REAL THING! Dave and Rich are BACK and we are covering Kings Watch – The Phantom, Flash Gordon and Mandrake! Plus Dave is playing a LOT of Assassins Creed: Valhalla, and he is also very excited about minor factions in Dune, there’s a lot more Kevin Smith and He-Man news, we go deep on Snake Eyes, Frank Miller is apparently partly cancelled, Rey cameos with NEWS on the Moon Knight show, Bob Odenkirk is in recovery, and MORE!

Weekly Comics

Batman Secret Files: Huntress #1

Superman: Son of Kal-El #1

Dune: The Blood of Sardaukar #1



Kings Watch

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps the show!


#225: Chuck’s G.I. Joe, Masters of the Universe, Kevin Smith is Hackin & Shillin, Halloween & Slashers, Cobra Commander is Cancelled?

WELCOME to a BIG EPISODE of Signal of Doom as Dave and Rich cover the second half of the GI Joe IDW Collection Vol 1, which covers the first issues of Chuck’s run, there’s a very grumpy Rich doing a Masters of the Universe review, we discuss how Kevin Smith is busy hackin’ and shillin’, deep Halloween slasher discussion, and apparently Cobra Commander is Cancelled??? Or at least his hood is! TUNE IN FOR A DEEP CHAT GANG!

And check out Chuck Dixon’s BAD TIMES novels if you like his G.I. Joe!

Weekly Comics

Blue and Gold #1

Moon Knight #1

Superman and the Authority #1

Marvel Two in One #46


Part 2 of the GI Joe IDW Collection, Vol 1

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps the show!


#144: Wolverine, Painkiller Dave, Wonder Woman, Death and Return of Superman, Harley Quinn on TV

Signal is BLAZING this week folks, as Dave has lost a tooth and firing ON ALL CYLINDERS while under medication, there’s a Wonder Woman trailer to discuss, Connor gives us an in-depth review of Death and Return of Superman, Dave RAVES about the Harley Quinn TV show, Marvel shutters their television division, and Margot Robbie is apparently CONFUSED about the Joker/Harley Quinn romance!

There’s a Robin 80th anniversary 100 page spectacular issue coming, Microsoft has a new console on approach, Eastman and Laird are working on a Turtles comic again, and MUCH MORE!

Weekly Comics

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #100

Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child #1

Harley Quinn: Villain of the Year #1

Tales from the Dark Multiverse: The Judas Contract #1 (One Shot)

The Batman’s Grave #3

The Punisher: Soviet #2

Superman #18

Trade of the Week

Wolverine by Claremont and Miller

#127: Berserk, Wild Horses Ride, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Obi Wan, Lobo cancelled

This week ITS WILD HORSES RIDING! Connor comes to the show bringing with him A HEALTHY REP and a LONG CATALOG OF HITS!

Dave is in a fiery mood, taking open shots, Kevin Smith has a He-Man show at Netflix, Dave talks Aladdin and Connor and Dave have an IN-DEPTH discussion of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood!

Krypton & Lobo are cancelled, and Dave is pissed off and looking for answers to an empty sky. There’s Disney Marvel shows coming, Neil Bloomkamp is off Robocop, there’s changes to Green Lantern, Blackest Night & Infinite Crisis get DARK MULTIVERSE re-imaginings, and MUCH MORE!

We hope you enjoy this episode and you can Connor out at The Last Sons of Krypton podcast, and his Iron Fist podcast too!

Weekly Comics

Batman Universe #2

Event Leviathan #2 and #3

Conan the Barbarian: Exodus #1

Gwenpool Strikes Back #1

Punisher Kill Krew #1

Trade of the Week

Berserk Vol #1

#99: Cloak & Dagger, Dave’s Apology, End Game Teaser, Kevin Smith on Josstice League, & A SPECIAL ANNOUCEMENT

Welcome back GANG! Dave kicks off with the most Un-Dave like of all things – a SIGNAL APOLOGY! Dave & Stew over the End Game SuperBowl Teaser, there’;s the Kevin Smith breakdown of Josstice League, a Birds of Prey Teaser, a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT, and then of course there’s our review of Cloak & Dagger!


Weekly Comics

Justice League Annual #1

X-Force #2

Journey into Unknown Worlds #1


Cloak and Dagger #1-4

#39: Green Arrow: Quiver, Chaos at Warners, What is Acting

Hey folks! This time on the Signal of Doom Dave & Stew cover Green Arrow: Quiver by Kevin Smith! Take a trip way back down to 2001 and the RESURRECTION and the COMEBACK of Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow! You get to see HEAVEN FOLKS! Also, Warners remains trapped in Chaos, Dave feels bad for Geoff Johns, while we speculate on what really is GOING ON! Dave also rants about Andy Serkis, and we cover the enteral question: what is acting? and did Kong EVER speak?

Dave has done some investigative JOURNALISM and covered EVERY SCENE supposedly deleted or changed post the Synder Cut of Justice League!

PLUS – Tarantino wants to do a Star Trek! R rated!

All this and MORE cool kids!

Weekly Comics

Batman #36

Captain America 696

DC Rebirth Holiday Special

Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #1


#32: Batman vs Predator, Nancy Drew meets the Wire, & Dave the Wedding Planner

Welcome FRIENDS to another episode of Signal of Doom as Dave and Stew cover Batman vs Predator, Vol 1!  It’s an EPIC episode as the Predator stalks his PREY in Gotham City! Also, Dave makes a bold statement about the current Batman era, high on the strength of the Metal spinoff books, and DEEP in love with Catwoman! We go IN DEPTH on the Black Panther trailer, the awesome possibility of an all female marvel movie,  the Punisher Netflix Show has a RELEASE DATE and a NEW trailer, and Stew is SO EXCITED by the Hasbro shared universe sans Transformers and GI Joe! Get ready for Mr Potato Head, kids! Dave then shares some DELAYED news about Cable and the Brolin deal, we debate the merits of the Han Solo spinoff movie being titled SOLO, and speculate wildly about the true life and story of Professor Marston and his relationships with his wife and mistress.

Kevin Smith is discussed in detail, Dave gets DEEP, and talks about possibly giving to charity ONE DAY, if a lot of financial conditions and goals have met. We then talk at length about some new revelations about Heath Ledger on the Dark Knight, we talk about his death and his impact, overall, while Stew takes us back to the celebrity gossip mill of the mid 2000s.  This episode Dave goes in depth about his love for Catwoman, and also his research into Eliza Gonzalez and her display of possibly the Catwoman suit! A SIGNAL BET is made as the boys speculate on the wedding plans of Batman and Catwoman, and Dave takes it upon himself to become  a WEDDING PLANNER! All this and much more on the Signal. Also….NANCY DREW MEETS THE WIRE!

Weekly Comics

Batman #33

Batman The Drowned #1

Mighty Thor #700