The Epic Gerry Conway Interview – Punisher Origins Chat, Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Justice League, Late Night Philosophy AND Jake and the Fatman!

It’s our absolute pleasure on Signal this week to introduce comic book legend GERRY CONWAY for an EPIC CONVERSATION with Dave! Gerry was extremely generous with his time and we cover everything from the creation of the Punisher, Spider-Man Original Clone Saga chat, Batman and Superman memories, Justice League topics, Worlds Finest, Dave fantasizes about 1961 and buying Justice League (again), there’s Late Night Philosophy, we talk about Gerry Conway’s extensive TV work and Dave gets VERY excited at the mention of Jake and the Fatman. This was a real pleasure to record and we thank Gerry much for his time!

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Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

#250: The Big 250, Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow, RIP Justice League, JJ Almost Blew up Coruscant, Dave loves Peacemaker…CLIP SHOW!

ITS A HUGE SHOW! The 250th EPISODE of Signal of Doom! We cover Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow, its RIP Justice League, (they’ve killed it ten years after they killed off our interest!) JJ and Bad Robot almost blew up Coruscant, Dave loves Peacemaker, Joss Whedon continues to SUCK, Lord of the Rings has a title, Lord of the Rings: The Ringers of Power: The Rings of Men, and wow doesn’t it just SING! Also….CLIP SHOW!

Weekly Comics – The 250 Club!

Superman #250

Amazing Spider-Man #250

Worlds Finest #250

Batman #250

Incredible Hulk #250

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps the show!

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

#248: Batman/Superman, Hadrians Wall, Storage Unit Death, Superman tortured, Dave calls for Treason Charges, Fallout Show, CW, Isildur!

HELLO GANG! This is a HUGE SHOW as Dave and Rich explore Batman/Superman: Who are the Secret Six, Superman gets tortured, Dave calls for Treason Charges, CW is up for Sale, a Fallout Tv show is on the way, RIP Peter Bogdanovich, and Winnie the Pooh is PUBLIC DOMAIN! Its a HOT ONE!

Weekly Comics

World of Krypton #1 and #2

Worlds Finest #211

Worlds Finest #320


Batman/Superman: Who are the Secret Six?

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps the show!

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

#238: Punisher: Jigsaw Puzzle, Vikings in America, Ruby Rose, Superman Drops the American Way, Dave Forgets The News, Frank and the Void

BUCKLE IN GANG! It’s a WILD ONE! We talk Punisher: Jigsaw Puzzle, as Frank tries to fill the void, Vikings REACHED America, Ruby Rose is a HOT TOPIC, Superman drops the American Way (and we have thoughts!), Dave forgets everything including his own news items, Michael Caine is only half retired, and World War Hulk is RUMORED! This is a hot one, so SADDLE UP!

Weekly Comics

Clear #1

Catwoman: Lonely City #1

Flashback Friday

Brave and the Bold #192

Superman #53


Punisher: Jigsaw Puzzle

Remember, for more exclusive content, you can sign up to the Signal of Doom Patreon!

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps the show!

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

#236: Enter the Dixon-Verse, Batman vs Predator 3, Venom makes $$$, Shuri the Anti-Vaxxer, Rich fires shots, What if the What if Finale Sucked!

HEY GANG! Special Chuck Dixon focused episode! This isn’t the INTERVIEW, that’s coming up TONIGHT, this is a celebration of the great man’s work! Its a DEEP DIVE, and we cover Batman vs Predator 3, Justice Riders, Dave mistakes Darkseid, Rich fires some heavy shots, Dave is excited about Hawkman, Dave LOSES it over the What If finale, Shuri is an Anti-Vaxxer, the Radical Left tries to desperately distance themselves, as the party heads into HELLDORADO! It’s a hot one, buckle in!

Flashback Friday

Superman #338

Nightwing #69

Super Cops #1-4

Justice Riders #1

General Grievous #1-4

Predator vs Batman 3

Remember, for more exclusive content, you can sign up to the Signal of Doom Patreon!

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps the show!

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Dredd or Dead: @OrDredd

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

#14: Death of Superboy Arc, Krypto’s Tragedy, Dave talks about Dredd

WELCOME to another episode of Legion Outpost! It’s SUPERBOY vs SUPERMAN vs THE LEGION! This is a crossover between Paul Levitz’s LEGION OF SUPERHEROES and John Byrne’s SUPERMAN titles, as everyone clashes with everyone! Meanwhile there is a Krypto SIGHTING, a TRAGEDY, and Dave sits the class down to deliver a sermon on DREDD!

This is a fun one and we hope you enjoy it!

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!

#13: Eye for an Eye, RIP Karate Kid, Dream Girl Cosplay, Superman Changes

Adam the Computer and Dave RECONVENE for another Legion Outpost – this time covering the classic EYE FOR AN EYE trade, along with Tales of the Legion of Superheroe’s #314-318! Its a BIG EPISODE where we say goodbye to Karate Kid, Dave talks about Dream Girl cosplay, Superman changes are afoot at DC, Adam shocks Dave with a Tom King FACT, and MORE!

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!

#188: Green Lantern, Quibi dead, Smokey and the Bandit, Dragonlance authors sue, Late Night Dave & Rich

WELCOME to anther EPISODE of Signal of Doom! This time out Dave and Rich GO DEEP into the night, discussing Neil Gaiman’s Green Lantern: Legend of the Green Flame, Dave talks the death of Quibi, a Fugutive review, Dragonlance authors sue Wizards of the Coast, we go IN DEEP on the Sony hack and how Marvel changed the face of the movie industry, there’s a whole section on CLASSIC MUSIC CONCERTS, there’s a competition, there’s a chilled Dave after Yoga, and MUCH MORE!

Weekly Comics

Assassins Creed: Vahalla #1

Werewolf by Night #1

Batman #101


Green Lantern: Legend of the Green Flame

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!

#186 (Part Two) The Retro DC episode, Bronze Age Supes, OverMan, Mongul, Sauron, if Dave was Superman…

This is PART TWO of the marathon conversation Dave had with Rich and Connor in Signal’s first ever Retro DC episode! In the second part we go DEEP into Bronze Age Supes, the nature of Sauron, we do an in depth discussion of OverMan in Mastermen #1, we cover a lot of Fortress of Solitude stories, and the first appearance of Mongul, plus Dave sends humanity a stark reminder of what would happen if he were Superman…TREMBLE WORLD!

All this and MUCH MORE! Enjoy gang!

Weekly Comics

Worlds Finest #250

Superman #247

Dc Special Series #26

Action Comics #514

Green Lantern #163

Action Comics #0

Multiversity: Mastermen #1


Dc Comics Presents #27-29

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!

Cinema of Doom: The Death and Return of Superman

Deon and Dave gather again in the Signal mobile HQ, to dissect a left-field Dave choice, The Death and Return of Superman! Superman fans beware, this one has some HOT TAKES from a little guy called Deon, who knows one way…BLAST MODE!

Enjoy gang!

Follow us on Twitter: @signalofdoom

Legion Outpost: @legionoutpost

Follow Dave on Twitter: @redlantern2051

Please support the show on Patreon! Every dollar helps!