#204: The Royals, Blade is PG 13?, Lobo has a Daughter? Muppets are Problematic! Denny O’Neil Chat, & Rich Agrees with Greg Rucka!

This is a HUGE SHOW! Something unprecedented happens this show – Rich actually AGREES with Greg Rucka! This is RARE folks! We talk about the Royals: Masters of War, Blade being APPARENTLY PG13, Dave takes Marvel to task, we talk DEEP on Denny O Neil, Rich is GRUMPY and ABSOLUTELY on fire, Dave discovers Lobo apparently has a DAUGHTER, Muppets are considered Problematic, we DIVE DEEP on Denny O’Neil, and Dave is still amazed to hear Rich actually agree with Greg Rucka!

Weekly Comics

Generations: Forged #1

Stray Dogs #1


The Royals: Masters of War

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