#109: Shazam-a-thon, Unfiltered Dave, Disney Plus Details, Stew Explains Clones

WELCOME to another FRESH EPISODE of SIGNAL OF DOOM! Stew & Dave cover the Shazam movie, and also review and discuss Shzam & the Monster Society of Evil, by Jeff Smith, while also taking lengthy diversions into the territory of Disney Plus, Cloning, Star Wars Comics, Star Wars Celebration anticipation, Marvel What If shows, Game of Thrones HYOE and MUCH MORE! This is also the retune of UNFILTERED DAVE!

Weekly Comics

Star Wars: The Age of the Rebellion – Grand Moff Tarkin #1

Star Wars: The Age of the Rebellion – Princess Leia #1

KISS: The End #1

Detective Comics #1001


SHAZAM & The Monster Society of Evil