#24: Batgirl Year One, Scorcese Joker, Chuck Dixon’s Record, Bat Bots

Dave and his cohost, The Main Man STEW light up the night sky with another episode of Signal of Doom! This is a massive show covering a LOT of news – we cover DC & Warners latest movie making moves that still seem shrouded in chaos, Davis called AFFABLE by Flint Henry and is very proud, Chuck Dixon smashes the comic page count writing record with 40,000 pages ,  we talk Netflix Defenders, Disney’s up coming streaming service, Stew and Dave make a bet about Suicide Squad vs Justice League, Stew collects on a previous bet, and there is a lengthy of what a Harley and Joker movie will do to Gotham City Sirens chances of a release. The appearance of Martin Scorcese as a reported producer on a Joker origin movie is as interesting as it is confusing. On top of that we discuss the wonderful Batgirl: Year One by Chuck Dixon, Scott Beatty and Marcos Martin, Dave and Stew argue once again about Punisher, we relive the story of Microchip and his son’s death, Dave finds out who is playing Microchip and is somewhat annoyed it is not a big guy in a Hawaiian shirt. We do have some echo recording issues about half way through this podcast and my apologies for that, blame the eclipse!  Also, we hear Dave’s true feelings about Casey Affleck, and BUY the Batbot at Kings Comics! THIS AND MUCH MORE! BEAM THE SIGNAL!

Weekly Comics:

Secret Empire #8 & #9

Dark Nights Metal #1

Edge of Venomverse #5

Generations: Wolverine and all new Wolverine #1