#29: Planet Hulk, Jughead (almost) in a Car Crash, Marvel Legacy, the Social

The SIGNAL shines BRIGHT TONIGHT!  Dave and Stew cover Planet Hulk by Greg Pak, we discuss Justice League, Ezra Miller and “the social”, we speculate wildly about the happenings on the Riverdale set, Stew declares it “fake news”, Stew doesn’t see It (again), Marvel Legacy is discussed at length, James Cameron and his Wonder Woman comments are dissected and put to account, and a whole bunch of weekly comics are reviewed and discussed! Also, PLANET HULK, Stew’s big pick, takes centre stage as the Main Man leads us on a tour of the Incredible Hulk on the distant planet of Skaar! Also, the pending release of the Marvel Avengers Infinity War trailer on Jimmy Kimmel is hyped by our intrepid reporters! And in Punisher Playbook, Dave pitches DIRECT to marvel and DC! All this and more kids!

Weekly Comics

Marvel Legacy #1

Wonder Woman #31

Batman: The Murder Machine #1

Punisher #17