#40 – Last Jedi, Fox/Disney, 4 Hours of Power! Porg Nation!

Hey gang! Its 4 HOURS OF PURE POWER this week! Dave and Stew cover The Last Jedi in exhaustive detail, Dave attempts a scene by scene breakdown, Stew rescues him from at least 4-5 rants, and we celebrate PORG NATION! As well as this special spoiler review of Last Jedi, the boys go IN DEPTH on the Fox/Disney deal! Dave is asked to pitch his X-Men and Fantastic Four pitches…wait for it kids!

Dave spends what feels like an hour defending the Harley Quinn franchise from a flustered Stew as we review the recent slate of Dc film announcements at Brazil Comic Con!

Also covered is multitude of pop culture events such as wild speculation on what the Lord of the Rings Tv show at Amazon would be, and we go through some “fantastic” weekly comics! Sarcasm intended!

Finally we cover Superior Spider-Man: Vol 1, the tale of how Dr Octopus’s mind takes control of Peter Parker’s body! It’s a fantastic read and we enjoyed it!

Weekly Comics

Ragman #3

Justice League #34

Punisher #219

Deathstroke: Defiance