#31: World War Hulk, Icers, I cannot sanction your buffoonery

Welcome BACK to the Signal of Doom, as the boys cover World War Hulk! It’s the GREEN GOLIATH vs the rest of the Marvel U as the Hulk is back from Sakaar and ready to take names!

It’s SIGNAL TRAILER DISCUSSION TIME as Stew and Dave discuss the Justice League trailer, the Last Jedi trailer, the Pacific Rim Uprising trailer, a New Mutants trailer and an X-Files trailer just for good measure!

Dave then goes into his controversy of the week from Marvel, featuring ICERS! This is the last hijinks from Marvel, where the general population does not BELIEVE Captain America was frozen in WW2. If you DO believe, you are called an ICER. Wow.

We go in depth on the Fast & the Furious franchise, we pit them against the Expendables cast, we talk about cage matches between the two casts and Dave puts all his money on Jet Li.

The boys talk in depth about Doctor Who, the missing Shada story from the 1970’s, Dave goes into full geek mode as he discusses The Who Files, Doctor Who novels, and he starts hyperventilating as he starts talking Tom Baker as the Doctor and questions  what is Stew’s favourite TARDIS control room.

All this and more in this week’s episode of Signal of Doom!

Weekly Comics

Dark Knights: Metal #3

Despicable Deadpool #287

Amazing Spider-Man #789

Batman: White Knight #1

#30: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Tom Petty is a Rock God, Spoiler Territory

It’s a BIG WEEK on the Signal of Doom as the boys discuss Crisis on Infinite Earths! Stew has been hitting wikipedia hard as we dissect exactly what happened! Meanwhile, we pay tribute to Tom Petty, one of the absolute favourites of the show, as he has recently passed on – we love you Tom. The news out of Vegas has left us sad and heartbroken, much love to the city.

Meanwhile Marlene comes up in fan casting, the boys pitch Marvel Knights to Netflix or Disney or whoever is listening, Stew shouts down Dave’s killer pitches but we are all about THE PENANCE STARE.

Also, we talk all things JUSTICE LEAGUE in preparation for the new trailer about to drop, we talk Star Wars: Last Jedi runtimes, Ridley Scott wants the Aliens movies to be about AI, which sounds boring, we have a CLASSIC email in Red Alert from Michael Keloisim, and Jordan weighs in on CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS!

All this and more in Signal of Doom!

Weekly Comics

Punisher: Platoon 1

Betty & Veronica meet Harley & Ivy #1

Batman #32

Batman: Dawnbreaker #1


Drew’s Views: The Defenders, Secret Wars, Private Universes

A big WELCOME BACK to DREW GERACI, DC inking legend and writer of The Demands series, and the Signal’s own MARVEL ENCYCLOPEDIA, who is back on the Signal of Doom this week! We take a time travel mission back to the 1970’s as Drew SELLS US The Defenders, giving out specific issue number recommendations! It’s a mind-trip! Dave can’t help but question drew on his Spider-Man knowledge and we get recommendations for post-Stan Lee Spidey from the 70’s into the 80’s! That name ROGER STERN comes up again – Roger, return, your country need YOU now!

Dave has just made a purchase of a Secret Wars 2 Omnibus so Drew CLUES US IN on the Secret Wars and what it was like to be a fan and a reader back then!

We also talk about The Demands series and Drew shares some of his writing experiences and tips. All in all, it’s another fascinating conversation with MR DREW GERACI!

#29: Planet Hulk, Jughead (almost) in a Car Crash, Marvel Legacy, the Social

The SIGNAL shines BRIGHT TONIGHT!  Dave and Stew cover Planet Hulk by Greg Pak, we discuss Justice League, Ezra Miller and “the social”, we speculate wildly about the happenings on the Riverdale set, Stew declares it “fake news”, Stew doesn’t see It (again), Marvel Legacy is discussed at length, James Cameron and his Wonder Woman comments are dissected and put to account, and a whole bunch of weekly comics are reviewed and discussed! Also, PLANET HULK, Stew’s big pick, takes centre stage as the Main Man leads us on a tour of the Incredible Hulk on the distant planet of Skaar! Also, the pending release of the Marvel Avengers Infinity War trailer on Jimmy Kimmel is hyped by our intrepid reporters! And in Punisher Playbook, Dave pitches DIRECT to marvel and DC! All this and more kids!

Weekly Comics

Marvel Legacy #1

Wonder Woman #31

Batman: The Murder Machine #1

Punisher #17

#28: Kill or be Killed, Punisher Netflix, Chuck Dixon, Stripper Clothes

Hey gang! The Signal of Doom is back, BLAZING RED into the sky! The boys cover Kill or be Killed, the awesome story of a troubled young man turned vigilante, courtesy of a deal with a demon, by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, and Dave declares it “maybe the great f*cking book he’s read”!  Also Dave tells us his story of his encounter with a salesgirl dressed like a stripper, we speculate on Darth Vader’s possible inclusion in the young Han Solo film, and Dave debuts *The Punisher Playbook!* This is our weekly news section for covering Punisher news and right now the focus is on the Punisher Netflix show which just dropped a full trailer and a teaser! Acclaimed Punisher scribe and good friend of the show, Chuck Dixon, gave an interview to Task and Purpose, where he details his own take on the Punisher series and what Chuck thinks of the scenes in the teaser which shows Frank seemingly up against military forces! The boys discuss Chuck’s comments in some DETAIL and meanwhile, Dave wonders and speculates about the chances of Karen Page and Frank Castle hooking up, or will this just be raw, personal friendship between two isolated people. Who knows! All this and more dear listeners in the first edition of the Punisher Playbook!

Also Michael, Ralph and Jordan all write in and we read put their emails and discuss them in Red Alert! Sit back, grab a coffee or a beer, maybe even an iced tea, and enjoy the Signal of Doom, Episode 28!

*Weekly Comics*

Harley Quinn #28

Batman #31

Batman: The Red Death #1

Wonder Woman/Conan #1

#27: Spider-Man: Revenge of the Green Goblin, RIP Len Wein, Gene Simmons has a Vault

It’s a BRAND NEW SIGNAL this week, soaring high into the heavens! First, a huge RIP to the great Len Wein, an inspiration and a legend and one of the main reasons we are even reading comics at all on the Signal. Go in peace Len, we love you. The boys discuss a massive Spidey trade, Spider-Man: Revenge of the Green Goblin, a 90’s classic by Howard Mackie and Roger Stern, with John Romita Jr on art amongst others! Also, we explore the Gene Simmons Vault, available for only $52000! Complete with a visit to your house, kids! God gave rock & roll to YOU, after all! We also discuss the twitter fiasco that was GI Joe Writer Aubrey Sitterson re 9/11, Dave covers the latest instalment of PUNISHER NETFLIX NEWS, his newest and most favourite thing in life, and includes a lengthy discussion of Microchip in the show and in the comics! There’s also Nic Cage craziness to enjoy, a reflective Michael Keaton on Batman: Forever, and a very excited Nightwing director! All this and more in the latest instalment of the Signal!


Weekly Comics:

Dark Nights: Metal #2

Harley Quinn 25th Anniversary Issue

Action Comics #987

Mister Miracle #2


Special Krisis Episode – Len Wen Tribute


Hi guys, just a short Krisis in the Kremlin episode as the Signal pays tribute to the great Len Wein, sadly departed Sept 10 2017. Len was a giant of the comic book industry, the co-creator of Wolverine, NightCrawler, Storm and Colossus, amongst MANY others, an acclaimed writer on titles such as Swamp Thing and Spider-Man, an editor with acclaimed works such as Watchmen and Saga of the Swamp thing produced under his stewardship, and an all time beacon of good ideas and professionalism inside the industry. To say he will be sorely missed is an understatement. Here at the Signal we are heartbroken by Len’s passing but seek comfort and grace in the great work he left behind. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. RIP Len. Thank you for all the great work. xxx

#26: Infinity, X-Force, Bunker Days, Marvel Hot Takes

Welcome to a FRESH episode of the Signal of the Doom! Dave and Stew are recording from the Bunker this week, holed up deep as hurricanes sweep the globe and zombies roam the earth! The book of the week is Infinity by Jonathan Hickman, and straight away Dave is in trouble for not reading the required 46 tie in issues but hey what’s new! We cover the big news about the X FORCE MOVIE, we say farewell to Colin Trevorrow on Star Wars: Episode 9, we speculate on the replacement director, and Stews STUNS with his pick! Meanwhile we cover the walking acting joke that is Jared Leto as he is compared to JESUS by some!

Get ready for a BIG RED ALERT as Michael Keloisim emails us about one of the legends of comics, & Connor from Into the Knight asks US for our HOT TAKE on Marvel Comics right now! WE DELIVER ON THAT PROMISE! Direct all complaints to Stew! We also discuss an interesting upcoming South Park game, which seems a bit too controversial for Stew, and the boys have a lot fun discussing the amazing Infinity Comic by Jonathan Hickman!

We also cover  selection of weekly comics and Dave breaks down the sheer boredom that is Kite Man’s story! There’s a lot going on in the Signal this week as we beam out of the BUNKER!

Weekly comics

Batman 30

Venom-Verse 1

Generations: Iron-Man and Ironheart 1

Weekly Trade

Infinity, by Jonathan Hickman

#25 – Daredevil by Frank Miller Vol 1, Leo Joker, The King is 100

Welcome to Episode 25 of Signal of Doom! Dave and Stew are BACK IN ACTION and we cover the news that MATTERS with the  PASSION and SARCASM you need! First off we cover Hurricane Harvey, much love and prayers to our listeners in Houston, the King JACK KIRBY turns 100 in our hearts forever, the boys cover what Jack Kirby means to them and what avenues in his many comics they want to explore. Stew is our resident early Marvel expert and he talks about Jack Kirby’s impact on Fantastic Four and the COSMIC SIDE! Meanwhile, the news marches on, and we cover, could it be…A LEO DICAPRIO JOKER!!!??  Probably not! The latest Last Jedi photos include a brooding Luke Skywalker, Dave again clarifies his concerns about force lightning, the boys asks listeners for recommendations of Star War Extended Universe comic books, shows or novels, we talk a potential Marvel Knights show starring Punisher, Moon Knight, BLADE and Ghost Rider,  we cover recent comments made about Love is Love, Dave tells a story about Brazilian dancers, and the boys discuss Frank Miller’s Daredevil Vol1 in detail!

We have a new segment – RED ALERT! An email from Michael Keloisim!

We also spend time on weekly comics and discuss Secret Empire 10 and what this means for Cap, along with spending time on Generations: Hawkeye & Hawkeye 1 and talking Mister Miracle, Darkseid & some New Gods! Join us as we light the SIGNAL OF DOOM!

*Weekly Comics*

Secret Empire 10

Generations: Hawkeye and Hawkeye 1

Darkseid Special 1

Mister Miracle 1

#24: Batgirl Year One, Scorcese Joker, Chuck Dixon’s Record, Bat Bots

Dave and his cohost, The Main Man STEW light up the night sky with another episode of Signal of Doom! This is a massive show covering a LOT of news – we cover DC & Warners latest movie making moves that still seem shrouded in chaos, Davis called AFFABLE by Flint Henry and is very proud, Chuck Dixon smashes the comic page count writing record with 40,000 pages ,  we talk Netflix Defenders, Disney’s up coming streaming service, Stew and Dave make a bet about Suicide Squad vs Justice League, Stew collects on a previous bet, and there is a lengthy of what a Harley and Joker movie will do to Gotham City Sirens chances of a release. The appearance of Martin Scorcese as a reported producer on a Joker origin movie is as interesting as it is confusing. On top of that we discuss the wonderful Batgirl: Year One by Chuck Dixon, Scott Beatty and Marcos Martin, Dave and Stew argue once again about Punisher, we relive the story of Microchip and his son’s death, Dave finds out who is playing Microchip and is somewhat annoyed it is not a big guy in a Hawaiian shirt. We do have some echo recording issues about half way through this podcast and my apologies for that, blame the eclipse!  Also, we hear Dave’s true feelings about Casey Affleck, and BUY the Batbot at Kings Comics! THIS AND MUCH MORE! BEAM THE SIGNAL!

Weekly Comics:

Secret Empire #8 & #9

Dark Nights Metal #1

Edge of Venomverse #5

Generations: Wolverine and all new Wolverine #1