#117: Dave cuts a solo album, Original Spidey Clone Saga, Liz Hurley, Savage Avengers

Its a SOLO DAVE EPISODE where he retreats into his Bob Dylan cave with the new live album, discussing the Original Spidey Clone Saga, his thoughts on Liz Hurley, Magic the Gathering, RIP Geoff Darrow, Djngo Unchained Meets Zorro, Harrison Ford on the next Indy…and much more!

Weekly Comics

DCeased #2

Black Cat #1

Star Wars: The Age of Rebellion – Luke Skywalker #1

Doomsday Clock #9 and #10


Spider-Man: The Original Clone Saga

#50: Kraven’s Last Hunt, 1st Signal Birthday! Whedon leaves Batgirl, Maggie Leaving Walking Dead?

Hi GANG! HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY TO THE SIGNAL OF DOOM! Dave and Stew celebrate ONE YEAR of bringing News AND JOY to the PEOPLE! This episode, we cover “Kraven’s Last Hunt”, Stew gives us all a Powerpoint Presentation on the Black Panther box office, Joss Whedon leaves the Batgirl movie, supposedly because he doesn’t have a story, there is a very complicated fan theory about T.H.A.N.O.S locations of Infinity Stones, which Dave doesn’t even understand, and Lego is back with the possible spoilers for Infinity War – and Dave brings up Joe Fixit!

As this is a BIRTHDAY show the boys celebrate with some of their recent favourite debates and moments, there’s test screenings of Aquaman, a debate about the SyFy show Krypton, Marvel are renumbering (again), and Rutger Hauer says Blade Runner 2049 has “no humor, no love, no soul”! OUCH!

Plus weekly comics and Kraven’s Last Hunt! Thank you to all our listeners for supporting the Signal, our Year Two will be MORE INTENSE and BLOOD-DRENCHED than Year One! The tale of these two moody vigilantes who beam the Signal has just begun! Plus, Punisher Playbook makes a welcome return!

Weekly Comics

 Batman #41

The Brave and the Bold : Batman and Wonder Woman #1

Hit-Girl #1

Amazing Spider-Man #796

Avengers #681

#19: The Nail, Spidey, Corporate Overlords

THE SIGNAL OF DOOM IS SHINING BRIGHT TONIGHT! As an icy cold descends on the city, Dave and Stew regather to talk The Nail by Alan Davis! Opinions fly free and fast as we read some awesome emails on the Chaikin controversy! Also, Dave & Stew talk impressive Spidey: Homecoming box office numbers, and ask why do so many comic fans hate themselves, lost in some internal civil war without end? Is Cindy Moon aka Silk in Homecoming? What scenes featuring the lovely Marisa Tomei were cut from the movie? We talk Frank Darabont and the ongoing lawsuit, we talk Matt Reeves dumping Batfleck’s script and pursuing his own vision. Rumours of Wonder Woman in the 1980’s, Daniel Craig is BACK as Bond, price unknown, and Squirrel Girl is HIRED. Meanwhile, Kermit has been FIRED and the boys go back and forth on corporate overlords and compensation for comic book creators. Jay Z turns up, cause there ain’t no love in the heart of the city! Weekly comics are also examined which include:

Dark Days: The Casting, The American Way 1, Edge of Venomverse 2, Spider-Men II #1

Enjoy kids! PREACH!

#18: Spidey Homecoming, Amazing Spider-Man JMS, Random Weekly Controversy!

Hey gang, tonight its rockin hard in the Swamp and it’s a SPIDEY fest as we celebrate the release of the Sony/Marvel Studios “Spider-Man Homecoming” movie and Dave & Stew discuss Amazing Spider-Man Ultimate Collection 1 by JMS from the early 2000s! Also we tackle some thorny issues of censorship and offensive imagery (pun) in an exhausting rap battle debate between the two hosts that Johnny Cash himself has to INTERVENE INTO,  and we cover some weekly books including Batman 26, Spider-Man: Master Plan and Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again #1.  As always the Swamp burns bright into the night sky as we always remember that solemn vow: WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY. Use it wisely kids!

#16: Cable & Deadpool, Han Solo, Ron Howard is a genius!


It’s time for another episode of Signal of Doom! Along with discussing Cable & Deadpool: Vol 1 from the early 2000s,  Dave and Stew light the Signal UP & are fresh from their Supernova date to talk Chris Hemsworth, Dean Cain & crowd control, while the BIG NEWS of the last 48 hours is the removal of the Han Solo movie directors Chris Miller & Phil Lord off the object to replaced by the mighty Ron Howard! Dave & Stew break it down for John Q public. The Watchmen TV show is discussed, along with a rumored Dracula TV show, Stew and Dave both announce who their favourite Doctors are in Doctor Who (modern and classic),  we talk about the Spidey situation at Sony, Dave rants about modern media, reminds us the Earth will plunge into the Sun, we go in-depth on Marvel’s Avengers 1 Million BC announcement, we cover a selection of weekly books and wrap it all up with a bow on Cable & Deadpool! Plus, Stew clears up how long humans are alive!

#12: Spider-Man Blue, Amber Heard, Dark Universe, Invisible Man, Black Lightning, Chuck Dixon, Injustice 2!

Stew and Dave delve DEEP into the mysterious, pulsing heart of comic books & comic book movies! This week we pay tribute to the victims of Manchester, and cover the wonderful and beautiful “Spider-Man Blue”. We also talk a HOST of movie topics including the Dark Universe & The Mummy, Dave’s concerns about Invisible Man, the excitement machine that is Amber Heard’s Mera casting vs the concerns of Stew,  the endless cycle of Terminator movie time-lines and Dave’s obsession with post apocalyptic nightmare-scapes, we talk the tv pilot of Black Lightning, Chuck Dixon’s new vampire novel BLOODED and a Scooby Doo/Supernatural TV crossover! AND MORE! We bring you the hits and the news you NEED.  Let the Signal beam!