#16: Cable & Deadpool, Han Solo, Ron Howard is a genius!


It’s time for another episode of Signal of Doom! Along with discussing Cable & Deadpool: Vol 1 from the early 2000s,  Dave and Stew light the Signal UP & are fresh from their Supernova date to talk Chris Hemsworth, Dean Cain & crowd control, while the BIG NEWS of the last 48 hours is the removal of the Han Solo movie directors Chris Miller & Phil Lord off the object to replaced by the mighty Ron Howard! Dave & Stew break it down for John Q public. The Watchmen TV show is discussed, along with a rumored Dracula TV show, Stew and Dave both announce who their favourite Doctors are in Doctor Who (modern and classic),  we talk about the Spidey situation at Sony, Dave rants about modern media, reminds us the Earth will plunge into the Sun, we go in-depth on Marvel’s Avengers 1 Million BC announcement, we cover a selection of weekly books and wrap it all up with a bow on Cable & Deadpool! Plus, Stew clears up how long humans are alive!