#17: Punisher: Year One, Marvel Capcom, Han Solo & Mars!

Howdy folks! This week Stew and Dave light up the Signal from a freezing metropolis! On top of covering the moody, magnificent Punisher: Year One and a lively debate on the merits of Punishment and Frank Castle’s War on Crime, Stew and Dave dive deep on the Han Solo movie, Dave posits a dark Universe hypothetical where Ron Howard doesn’t save us all,  the buzz on Spidey Homecoming is POSITIVE, Star Trek Discovery is discussed as is conflict amongst the crew members, and Stew then gives us all a science lesson and talks about MARS, while Dave dreams of Bladerunner civilisations out there on the outer planets, like tears in the rain…also Dave delivers a rant on Marvel Capcom Infinite, talks about the 90’s, and the boys discuss weekly comics, including Peter Parker: Spectacular Spider-Man #1, Edge of Venom-Verse #1, Secret Empire #5, Batman/Elmer Fudd!